
I review for BookSneeze

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010

Resolutions for 2010

Usually I don't make resolutions for the New Year, but this year I feel that making this particular list will set the groundwork for a good year for me.

Spiritual Goals
  • Read through the Bible this year (currently reading it chronologically).
  • Continue to do daily devotions that I started in 2009.
  • Start daily devotions with my son, before he goes to sleep every night.
  • Continue to pray about joining Heritage Community Church.
Emotional Goals
  • Work on not taking responsibility for other people's feelings.
  • Do my best to shake off and heal from the emotional abuse I suffered at my last FT Job.
  • When I feel myself getting worn down, try to love myself enough to know when to say when.
  • Work on only saying "I'm Sorry" when I've actually done something wrong - not when I bump into someone accidentally or when someone requests something of me that I can't give. I feel like I spend my whole life saying I'm sorry and I don't know how that pattern got started.
  • Really invest in the friendships that I want to maintain; and not worry about trying to please every acquaintance and fair-weather friend that has come into my life.
Physical Goals
  • I would like to lose at least 50 lbs by the end of this year. I had thought about signing up for the weight loss surgery; but I know that I will need to do a 6-month supervised diet plan first. If I lose enough during that 6 months, I will not continue on the path to WLS.
  • Try to eat better, eating more raw foods, less carbs (this is going to be hard) and more veggies.
  • While I may not have enough money for a gym, I hope to find something that will allow me to get into some sort of exercise routine.
Fun/Personal Goals
  • Continue to keep a list of books, movies, and projects that I'm working on.
  • Try to finish at least 5-10 of the projects currently on the list...can we say procrastination.
  • Work on a cleaning routine for the house, so that i don't feel so overwhelmed. Perhaps invest in Motivated Moms calendar.
  • Try to blog at least once a week.
  • Create a new craft blog to keep me on track with my projects, whether through blogger or Ravelry.
  • Learn more sign language this year - starting my class on January 11th at HCC.
  • I would really like to start a Genealogy scrapbook or binder for the next generations, with stories and clippings and personal items from our ancestors. (I will need my family's help with this one though.)
  • Achieve a 3.0 average (or better) in the classes I take this year, and see if I can work out graduating in the Spring 2011.
  • Try to build even stronger relationships with my family. I would like for my sisters to become my closest friends and for all of us to have a stronger bond.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Purpose of Days of Change

Over the last few months, I've felt something changing inside me. I've always grown up in the church, but walked away from it a few times in the last couple of years. It was especially difficult for me when my own father (a pastor) passed away in 2007. Since then, I was laid off, ran the risk of losing my home and being unable to pay my bills. After almost a year and a half, I found a part-time job at a christian bookstore and ever since I've been searching.

I've been searching for peace, happiness, wholeness, community...all good things. I've seperated from some of those people in my life that just weren't good for me or were using me in some way. I've started my journey with the purchase of a new study bible and the best intentions to really understand why I believe what I believe. I still intend to be as open, accepting and understanding as I am right now; but perhaps I can even be moreso with His help. Over the next few days, weeks, months (and maybe even years) I hope to use this space to keep track of what I'm learning and feeling in regards to these things. Any and all comments are encouraged and greatly appreciated!